Hungary Work Visa

Hungary Work Visa 2024 – Application Process

Foreign nationals in search of employment remain drawn to Hungary due to its renowned high standards of living and labor. It is essential for those contemplating a move to Hungary for employment in 2024 to have a thorough comprehension of the Hungary Work Visa application process. This exhaustive manual contains essential details regarding the prerequisites, visa categories, and application schedule.

Work Visa Requirements for Hungary:

To legally work in Hungary, international candidates residing outside the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) are required to obtain a work visa.

Exemptions from Work Visa for Hungary:

Citizens of the EU/EEA are exempt from the work visa requirement for Hungary. However, both EU/EEA and non-EU/EEA citizens are required to obtain a residence permit for a protracted stay.

Reasons for Obtaining a Residence Permit:

  • Seasonal Workforce
  • Engagement in Profitable Activity
  • General Staffing
  • Blue Card for Professional Workers (EU)

Check Also: Norway Job Seeker Visa 2024 – Visa Guide

Types of Hungary Work Visas:

  • For Employment: Awarded to foreign candidates who have received an offer of employment from a Hungarian employer.
  • For Private Business: For individuals operating private, lawful businesses in Hungary.
  • For Seasonal Work: Tailored for personnel engaged in labor during a particular period or season.
  • For Professional Workers: The EU Blue Card, which is issued to specialists or qualified professionals.

Hungary Work Visa Documentation:

To finish the application process, you must have:

  • A valid passport containing two empty pages
  • Form of application completed
  • Two passport-sized photographs in color
  • Medical insurance documentation (attesting to coverage of EUR 30,000)
  • Documentation of accommodation
  • Statement of bank accounts attesting to financial capability
  • A contract of employment issued by the Hungarian employer
  • VOEN (certificate of registration with a business, if self-employed)
  • Six-month reference of remitted taxes from the Ministry of Tax of Arkansas

Note: The requisite documentation may vary depending on the intended use of the application.

Benefits of Hungary Work Visa:

  • Authorization from the Law to Work: A Hungary Work Visa grants the holder authorized employment in Hungary. Foreign nationals desiring to participate in employment or business endeavors within the nation must possess this documentation.
  • Procurement of Employment Opportunities: Individuals who possess a valid work visa are permitted to investigate employment prospects in Hungary. This is especially critical for individuals who are in search of employment prospects within the nation.
  • Obtaining Social Services: The eligibility of work visa holders for particular social services and benefits in Hungary, including social security and healthcare, is contingent upon the particular regulations and agreements that govern the country.
  • Prolonged Stay: A work visa generally grants permission for a prolonged sojourn in Hungary, granting individuals the ability to reside and engage in employment within the nation for the designated period.
  • A Cultural Exploration: Working and residing in Hungary offers an unparalleled cultural experience. Participants are afforded the chance to fully engage in the Hungarian language, culture, and daily existence.
  • Development of Professional Networking: By working in Hungary, individuals have the opportunity to establish connections with industry experts, acquire practical knowledge in a global setting, and potentially advance their professional growth.
  • Implications for the Economy: By supporting local enterprises, participating in the labor market, and paying taxes, foreign workers contribute to the Hungarian economy. Positive economic repercussions may result for both the nation and the individual.
  • Travel Possibilities: The advantageous geographical position of Hungary in Europe facilitates work visa holders’ ability to visit and investigate other European nations throughout their sojourn.
  • Possibility of Sustained Residency: Opportunities may exist for individuals to transition from work visas to other types of visas or long-term residency, contingent upon the specific work visa category and their circumstances.
  • The Reunification of Families: Family reunification programs may permit work visa holders to transport their family members to Hungary, enabling them to reside together throughout the employment period.
  • Gaining language proficiency: Working in Hungary affords the chance to acquire or enhance language proficiency, specifically in Hungarian, which can have professional and personal benefits.
  • A Global Viewpoint: In an ever more interconnected world, living and working in Hungary provides individuals with a global perspective and cross-cultural comprehension, which can be advantageous.

Key Information on Hungary Work Visa:

Processing Time: Anticipate a minimum processing time of three months during the approval procedure of your Hungary work visa.

Arrival Procedure:

  • Registration: Promptly register at the Regional Directorate within the first three days following your arrival.
  • Residence Card: Obtain a residence certificate, which will enable unrestricted movement throughout the nation.
  • Health Insurance: Commence the application procedure for a Taj Card, which is a health insurance card.
  • Contract Termination: Notify the immigration authority without delay of any contract terminations.

Cost: A work visa for Hungary is available for a charge of 110 EUR.

Validity: As of 2024, the standard validity period for Hungary Work Visas is one to two years. In contrast, seasonal visas are issued for durations varying from six to twelve months.

Extension Process: If you desire to prolong your employment and remain in Hungary, a payment of 95 EUR is required for the extension procedure. It is recommended to initiate the extension application no later than 30 days before the expiration of the visa.

Family Members: Family members are granted the opportunity to travel with you to Hungary on a family visa, which permits them to participate in academic and occupational activities.

Top Companies Offering Visa Sponsorship:

High living standards and a robust labor market make Hungary an alluring location for expatriates in search of employment. Visa sponsorship for employment is an essential component of the relocation procedure. The following are ten renowned Hungarian businesses that sponsor visas for international applicants:

  1. MOL Group:
  2. OTP Bank:
  3. Audi Hungaria:
  4. Ericsson Hungary:
  5. Wizz Air:
  6. IT Services Hungary:
  7. Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Hungary:
  8. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS):
  9. Morgan Stanley Hungary:
  10. Prezi:


The Hungarian labor force necessitates meticulous preparation and unwavering compliance with the visa application procedure. This comprehensive guide is designed to furnish you with vital information to facilitate a smooth application process.

  1. Is the Hungary visa open to Pakistan?

    Yes, Pakistani citizens must get a Hungarian Schengen visa before traveling to Hungary or any other country within the Schengen Area.

  2. What is the salary limit for work permits in Hungary?

    For professions in sectors where there are many unfilled vacancies, Member States may set a lower minimum salary threshold. Hungary set the lower minimum salary threshold at 5 81 at 40 HUF (or 484 320 HUF per month).

  3. How much bank balance is required for a Hungary work permit visa?

    There isn’t a fixed minimum bank balance requirement for a Schengen Visa application, but you should be able to demonstrate sufficient financial means to cover your travel expenses during your stay in Hungary and the Schengen Area. The exact amount may vary based on your circumstances.

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