Accommodation Problems of International Students in Australia

Accommodation Problems of International Students in Australia 2024

For international students, locating affordable lodging in Sydney is challenging. It provides incisive information regarding the effects of Sydney’s persistent housing crisis on international students.

The most severe housing crisis that Sydney has experienced in a generation is causing international students to have an exceedingly difficult time. International students, who are generally more susceptible to market fluctuations, find the escalating rental costs concerning.

Furthermore, academic institutions in New South Wales are progressively transitioning back to providing instruction on campus, with Sydney preparing to receive more than 28,000 international students. However, due to the implementation of working hour restrictions on student visas, a significant number of people are departing from Sydney.

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Sydney is currently experiencing its most severe housing crisis in a generation, which places international students in the challenging position of locating affordable housing. To make matters worse, the city’s real estate market is already experiencing strain.

The CEO of an education management organization further stated that the present state of affairs in Sydney exemplifies the complex nature of the city’s challenges. Institutions and governmental organizations will undoubtedly assume a substantial role in safeguarding the welfare of international students as the world emerges from the epidemic age.

  1. What is the housing problem in Australia?

    With a household debt-to-income ratio of 211%, which is significantly higher than the UK’s 148% and Japan’s 115% and more than double the 101% in the US, Australia’s housing sector is suffering from some of the highest debt levels in the world.

  2. What is the current situation in Australia for international students?

    Big numbers. The number of international students in Australia was 645,516 as of August 2023, roughly 6% higher than the March 2020 total of 611,077.

  3. How do international students get accommodation in Australia?

    You can rent or ‘lease’ a property by yourself or with friends. This can be done through a real estate agent or privately (renting directly from a landlord or owner). It is common for international students to live with other students to make living costs more affordable.

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