Australia Resident Return Visas

Australia Resident Return Visas 2024 – Visit Here

A resident return visa for Australia is mandatory for permanent residents of Australia who wish to travel unrestrictedly without jeopardizing the status of their perpetual visa. Due to the limited validity of travel permits for holders of Australian permanent visas, it is crucial to understand who can apply for a resident return visa and the application process.

What is a Subclass 155 or 157 Australia Resident Return Visa?

A Resident Return Visa is a category of visa that authorizes permanent visa holders to travel. A travel facility grants permanent visa holders in Australia the ability to enter and exit the country as required.

Do I Need a Resident Return Visa for Australia?

If you require this visa, then:

  • You are a permanent resident of Australia.
  • You are a former permanent resident of Australia with a valid visa.
  • You have relinquished your status as a former Australian citizen.

Visa applications for visas 155 and 157 are not required if you are a permanent resident of Australia with no intention of traveling.

Resident Return Visa Eligibility

To qualify for this category of visa, one of the following requirements must be met:

  • You must have maintained permanent residency in Australia for a minimum of two years within the previous five years.
  • Establish strong ties with Australia and provide evidence that you have not been out of the country for five consecutive years since the issuance of your permanent residence visa. Among substantial connections are:
    • Connections to one’s lineage.
    • Commercial connections.
    • The presence of employment connections.
    • Cultural connections.
  • Establish strong connections and provide evidence that you have not been absent continuously for five years since your Australian citizenship was revoked. You will be issued a one-year RRV unless you can provide an exceptionally compelling justification.
  • You qualify as a family member of an individual who currently possesses an RRV or has applied for one, and you satisfy the application deadline and all other prerequisites.
  • You are required to satisfy the standards of conduct established by the Immigration Office.
  • A business skill visa annulment process must not be active (subclasses 132, 840-846, 188, 160-165, 888).
  • You cannot have previously been denied or had a visa application revoked.

Those not residing in Australia should:

  • You cannot have departed from Australia for at least five consecutive years before the application deadline.
  • You must have a perpetual Australian visa or have vacated the country as a citizen or permanent resident.

Check Also: Australian Visa Application Documents – A Guide

Residency Requirement Calculation:

The calculation for your period of residence is as follows:

  • The duration of two years is 730 days.
  • The five-year period beginning on the date your resident return visa application was submitted is retroactive.
  • Additionally, departure and arrival dates are factored into the daily tally. Arrival and departure on the same day will be tallied as a single day.

How to Apply for a Resident Return Visa?

Follow these procedures to apply for a resident return visa (subclasses 155, 157):

  • Check eligibility.
  • Gather the required documents.
  • Pay the application fee.
  • Apply for the visa.
  • After you apply.

Check Eligibility

Verify your visa eligibility before applying for subclass 155 or 157. The aforementioned eligibility requirements must be fulfilled for this visa application to be approved.

Gather the Required Documents

To submit a visa application, you are required to collect crucial documents. Such items consist of a valid passport, a national identification card, family certificates, and more. If you obtain a replacement passport during the processing of your visa, you are required to notify the Department of Foreign Affairs.

If you apply online, you can update your information through your ImmiAccount. However, if you register in person, you must submit Form 929, Passport Change, to the Department. All mandatory documents must be in the English language or have been translated into English by a translator who has been verified.

You might not need to submit any extra documents if:

  • You are a permanent resident of Australia.
  • You must have resided in Australia for a minimum of two years within the five years preceding your RRV application.
  • No changes have been made to your name or date of birth since the issuance of your previous visa.
  • You satisfy the character prerequisites.

Pay the Application Fee

It is mandatory to include the application fee with your visa application. Visa processing will not commence until the required fee has been paid. Regarding online applications, this can be accomplished during the application procedure. This varies from country to country but may require you to submit the application fee on the same day you submit your paper application.

Apply for the Resident Return Visa

Once all required documents have been gathered, the application can be submitted. Two methods exist for applying for a resident return visa:

  • Submission of an online application. Online applications are accepted via ImmiAccount. You can select the type of visa you require, and upload the scanned passport and the online application form, among other things. Additionally, you can readily modify your information via ImmiAccount.
  • Paper-based application. Additionally, a paper visa application may be submitted. This is possible whether you are in Australia or elsewhere. You must contact the nearest Australian representative office while abroad to obtain information on how to submit your visa application. Keep in mind that there may be additional fees associated with paper applications.

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After You Apply

Upon receipt of your visa application, the Department will initiate the evaluation procedure. The status of your application can be monitored through your ImmiAccount. Ensure that you possess a valid visa for your return to Australia if you intend to travel abroad during the visa application review process. If you submitted a paper application for a resident return visa while you were outside of Australia, you are required to remain outside the country until your visa expires.

You will receive an email notification if your visa application is denied, detailing the grounds for the denial and whether you are eligible to request a reevaluation of the decision.

How Long Does It Take to Process a Resident Return Visa?

If all requirements of your application are met, you will be issued a resident return visa within five days.

Processing a resident return visa, on the other hand, may take between 83 days and three months if you:

  • Erroneously complete the application form.
  • Do not submit every single document.
  • You require more time to provide additional information.
  • The Department of Foreign Affairs requires considerable time to authenticate your information.

Resident Return Visa Cost

The cost for a resident return visa changes whether you apply online or on paper:

  • The application fee for a resident return visa online is AUD405.
  • The paper application fee for a resident return visa is AUD485.

How Long Is a Resident Return Visa Valid For?

Qualifying as a resident, a return visa is valid for five years. The domicile requirement stipulates that you have maintained permanent residency in Australia for a minimum of two years out of the last five.

A resident return visa will be issued for a year if:

  • Although you fail to satisfy the residency criteria, you maintain significant connections with Australia.
  • As a member of a family unit that has either previously obtained or recently applied for an RRV, you submitted your application.

If you meet all of these criteria except for compelling reasons why you require this visa, you may be granted a three-month resident return visa.

How Do I Renew My Resident Return Visa?

To have your resident return visa renewed, you must reapply for a visa from the start. As stated previously, you may not be required to submit any supplementary documents during the application process if you satisfy the prerequisites. The number of times an individual may reapply for a resident return visa is not restricted. Notably, you must apply for a new resident return visa before the expiration of your current one.

What Is the Difference Between Visa 155 and 157?

The distinction between visa 155 and 157 is that visa 157 is typically issued for a maximum duration of three months, whereas visa 155 is valid for a maximum of five years.

  1. What is a resident return visa in Australia?

    The Resident Return visa (subclasses 155 and 157) is for current or former Australian permanent residents and former Australian citizens who want to travel overseas and retain their permanent resident status.

  2. Do permanent residents need a visa to return to Australia?

    If you wish to return to Australia as a permanent resident from overseas travel, you may need to apply for and be granted a Resident Return visa (subclass 155 or subclass 157) if the travel facility on your permanent visa has either already expired or will expire while you are outside Australia.

  3. How much is the resident return visa fee in Australia?

    The RRV visa fee is AUD 405 if applied through online mode. The resident return visa renewal fee is AUD 485 if you are applying in paper mode.

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