Zurich One Young World Scholarship in Montreal

Zurich One Young World Scholarship in Montreal 2024 – Fully Funded

People can send in their applications for the Zurich One Young World Scholarship in Montreal, Canada. The goal of the Zurich Scholarship is to widen a young person’s view by making a bigger difference in the world. Everyone who attends will have the chance to give a major speech and talk about their experience as a leader in the world’s media. All applicants will get advice from business, political, and humanitarian leaders with a lot of power.

The goal of the Zurich One Young World Scholarship is to inspire leaders or people who are weak so that they can make a big change in their community and stay safe. Also, the Zunich One Young World is expected to change the lives of 1 million people by 2024. Zurich is giving new leaders more power by improving them so that people of all ages can talk to each other. People who have led or are in charge of well-being, climate change, or influential projects would be given priority.

The workshops at the One Young World Summit 2024 are very important because they give delegates real-world information about problems that they care about. The most exciting thing is that everyone who is chosen to go to the Zurich Young World Summit will become an ambassador of One Young World. They will make a big difference and speed up projects with a new business focused on giving back to their communities. In addition, people who take part will get undoing, media attention, caucuses, and speaking opportunities.

Details of Zurich One Young World Scholarship in Montreal

Organization:Zurich One Young World
Scholarship coverage:Fully Funded
Eligible nationality:All Nationalities
Award country:Montreal, Canada

Benefits of Zurich One Young World Scholarship in Montreal

This is what the Zurich One Young World Scholarship 2024 in Montreal will do for you:

  • Global Networking: The scholarship offers the chance to establish connections with emerging leaders from various countries. This can result in enduring professional connections, collaborations, and valuable alliances.
  • Leadership Development: Scholars are granted the opportunity to engage in workshops, panel discussions, and seminars that are conducted by influential leaders, experts, and activists at the One Young World Summit. This has the potential to substantially improve leadership abilities and foster personal and professional development.
  • Exposure to Global Issues: The summit addresses a diverse array of global challenges, including human rights, climate change, and social justice. Scholars can acquire a more profound comprehension of these issues and can benefit from a variety of viewpoints on how to resolve them.
  • Mentorship and Guidance: Scholars frequently have the opportunity to interact with and receive mentorship from prominent global leaders and industry professionals. This advice has the potential to significantly influence their future endeavors and professional aspirations.
  • Enhanced Visibility: The selection of a Zurich One Young World Scholar is a prestigious honor that can significantly improve one’s professional reputation and resume. It exhibits a dedication to positive change and leadership, which may be appealing to prospective employers and collaborators.
  • Access to Resources: The scholarship frequently grants access to exclusive resources, such as educational materials, networking tools, and follow-up events. These resources have the potential to facilitate ongoing development and impact.
  • Cultural Experience and Travel: The summit in Montreal provides scholars with a distinctive cultural experience, enabling them to explore a new city, connect with individuals from diverse origins, and develop a more diverse perspective.
  • Community and Support: Scholars are affixed to a supportive community of past and present recipients who possess comparable objectives and principles. Long after the summit has concluded, this network can offer support, encouragement, and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Inspiration and Motivation: The summit’s energy and enthusiasm can be highly motivating. Scholars can be motivated to pursue their own projects and initiatives with renewed vigor by hearing success stories and innovative ideas from peers and leaders.
  • Career Opportunities: Internships, job offers, and collaborative initiatives may result from networking with professionals and organizations at the summit. It has the potential to create new career opportunities and pathways.

Eligibility Criteria

  • In 2024, they were between the ages of 18 and 30.
  • Interest in both local and global problems.
  • shown a strong desire to make good changes.
  • Are you ready to work together with other scholarship recipients and Zurich workers who are also at the Summit?
  • Proven success in an area that fits with the Z Zurich Foundation’s mission, such as:
  • Improving Mental Wellbeing
  • Enabling Social Equity
  • Adapting to Climate Change

Selection Criteria:

  • A strong commitment to making things better.
  • Having the skills to lead well.
  • Knowing how to deal with world problems.
  • The ability to use real-world information to solve problems in the community.

Read Also: Wuhan University Of Technology CSC Scholarships In China 2024

How to Apply for

To apply for the Zurich One Young World Scholarship 2024 in the UK, you can fill out an online form. Click on the link below to start the application process. It’s a very easy and simple form. Here is also the official link to the ad:

More Info


The Zurich One Young World Scholarship 2024 is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for young leaders to learn new things, improve important skills, and make a difference in their communities and beyond. Through workshops, networking, and mentoring, delegates will learn a lot and get help to solve important world problems. This scholarship gives people the tools they need to become global advocates for good change. It covers everything.

  1. Who is eligible for the Zurich One Young World Scholarship?

    Individuals applying must be between the ages of 18 and 30 and have a strong desire to make good changes in their communities and around the world. People who have a track record of success in areas that fit with the Z Zurich Foundation’s goals, like mental health, social justice, and climate change, are given priority.

  2. What are the benefits of the scholarship?

    The grant pays for everything needed to attend the One Young World Summit 2024 in Montreal, including food, lodging, transportation, and flights. The winners also have access to grant programs and mentoring opportunities that the Z Zurich Foundation offers.

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