Japan NIMS Internship Program

Japan NIMS Internship Program 2024 – Apply Now

Do an internship in Japan. The National Institute for Material Sciences (NIMS) gives 100 jobs to college and graduate students from around the world every year. For the Japan NIMS Internship Program 2024, you can now send in your application. This paid job program is open to college students from both inside and outside of the United States. This is a great chance for students at NIMS who want to get real-world training in materials science.

Material Science study at NIMS is among the best in the world. NIMS is a great place to do an internship. Every year, NIMS takes in about 100 kids from all over the world. Students can get financial help in the form of a daily wage and a place to live. The job can last up to ninety days in a row. Read on to learn more about the NIMS Internship in Japan.

Details About Japan NIMS Internship Program 2024

  • Host Country: Japan
  • Duration of Internship: 90 Days
  • Funded by: National Institute for Material Sciences (NIMS)
  • No of Interns: 100

Benefits for the Interns

  • 2,560 Yen/day Daily Allowance
  • Accommodation Fee
  • After the Final Report is turned in, a Certificate will be given.

What is Material Science?

Material science is the study of things made of matter, how they are put together and how they are made, as well as their qualities. The following are things that fall under Material Science:

  • Metals
  • Ceramics
  • Polymers
  • Semiconductors
  • Composites
  • Biomaterials
  • Nanomaterials

Eligibility Criteria to Participate in NIMS Internship

  • There is space for both undergraduate and graduate pupils.
  • International students from inside and outside of Japan are welcome.

By 2022, NIMS had taken in more than 1,916 students from 58 different countries. The students who were chosen came from Africa, Asia, Europe, the United States, and Oceania.

Required Documents

It is necessary for students to email these files to the Researchers at NIMS.

  • Fill out this English application form for the NIMS Internship Program.
  • CV
  • Educational Certificates
  • Transcripts
  • Doctoral and master’s students need to send in papers from both college and graduate school.

How to Apply

  • There is no direct way for students to apply for the NIMS job.
  • First, students need to get in touch with the NIMS boss who is most interested in them. Search the “SAMURAI” NIMS Researchers Directory Service.
  • If the boss agrees to let you work as an intern. Then you need to give the above papers to your boss.
  • Your boss will tell you what to do next after the papers have been looked over. The job at NIMS will begin.
  • Here is the direct link to the NIMS Japan Internship webpage.

More Info


The Japan NIMS Internship Program 2024 is a great chance for college and graduate students who are interested in material science. This internship at one of the best schools in the world gives you important real-world experience and comes with benefits like a daily allowance, free housing, and a certificate at the end. Applications are welcome from international students from a variety of backgrounds. To apply, you must contact NIMS researchers and send them the necessary papers.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who can participate in the NIMS Internship?

    Students at the college and graduate levels from all over the world can apply for the NIMS Internship Program. This includes students from Japan and other countries.

  2. What is the duration of the Japan NIMS Internship Program 2024?

    The internship lasts for 90 days, providing participants with an immersive experience in material science at NIMS.

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