Romania Digital Nomad Visa

Romania Digital Nomad Visa 2024 – Visa Requirements

Those who are able to operate remotely from any location on the globe using digital communications via information and communication technology are known as digital nomads. The Romanian Digital Nomad Visa presents a fantastic prospect for drawing in non-Europeans. The Romania Long Stay Visa for Other Purposes – D/AS is available for application to foreign nationals. Every year, Romania hopes to draw in more than 2,000 digital nomads. If you already have income taxes paid in your home country, the Romanian government will not impose any additional taxes on you.

Many digital nomads have made Romania their preferred destination because of its low-income criteria, tax-free income, affordable cost of living, quick internet access, and easy visa application process. Based on VisaGuide.World, Romania is ranked third, behind only Argentina and Spain. Launched in December 2021, this Visa aims to strengthen the nation’s economy. Below are more details about the application procedure.

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About Romania Digital Nomad Visa

  • Visa Name: Long Stay Visa for Other purposes – D/AS (For Nomads)
  • Visa Validity: One year, and renewable to another one year
  • Job offer Requirement: No Job offer is required from Romania
  • Visa Process: Smooth, quick
  • No. of Visas: 2,000 annually
  • Processing Time: 2 weeks on average

Benefits of Romania Digital Nomad Visa

  • Compatibility with Remote Work: The visa grants digital nomads the lawful right to reside and operate their enterprises remotely in Romania, while also maintaining employment with their employers. This adaptability empowers individuals to investigate novel locales while maintaining their professional or financial stability.
  • Prolonged Duration: In contrast to visitor visas, the visa generally grants permission for an extended stay, frequently spanning from a few months to a year or beyond, contingent upon the particular stipulations of the visa initiative. During this prolonged period, digital nomads have the opportunity to deeply engage with the local culture, discover various regions of Romania, and gain a genuine understanding of daily life in the nation.
  • Ease of Application: Digital nomad visa programs are specifically engineered to optimize the application process, thereby facilitating the acquisition of authorization for eligible individuals to reside and operate in Romania. Typically, the criteria are uncomplicated, and the application procedure is frequently executed via the Internet, thereby obviating the necessity for extensive documentation or physical appearances at consulates or embassies.
  • Access to Services: While residing in Romania, digital nomads with a valid visa have access to vital services including banking, healthcare, and telecommunications. This guarantees that they are provided with the necessary assistance to sustain their way of life and remain in touch with their family, friends, and clients back in their country of origin.
  • Community and Networking: The visa program may provide opportunities for networking and socializing with like-minded individuals as the digital nomad community in Romania expands. Social events, meetings, and coworking sessions are frequently organized by digital nomads, providing an opportunity for newcomers to bond with individuals who have similar experiences and interests.
  • Cost of Living: In comparison to many Western European countries, Romania has a relatively low cost of living, which makes it an attractive destination for digital nomads seeking affordability without sacrificing quality of life. In many cases, lodging, food, and transportation are more reasonably priced, enabling digital nomads to increase the flexibility of their budgets.
  • Diverse Attractions and A Cultural Heritage of Excellence: Romania presents an abundance of natural beauty and cultural heritage of distinction, encompassing picturesque countryside, pristine mountains, and medieval fortifications. Working and residing in Romania affords digital nomads the chance to investigate these distinctive locales.

Requirements of Romania Digital Nomad Visa

  • It must be demonstrated that you are capable of working remotely.
  • Any company you operate remotely for shouldn’t be registered in Romania.
  • Applicants include freelancers, bloggers, vloggers, and YouTubers.
  • You must have health insurance that pays for all expenses incurred both before and after your trip to Romania, with a minimum coverage of €30,000.
  • A clean criminal record certificate.
  • filled out an application for a visa
  • a passport that is valid for at least six months after the planned stay
  • Two current passport-sized pictures
  • Evidence of lodging in Romania (rental agreement, hotel reservation)
  • Bank statements or other records attesting to your adequate financial resources
  • Evidence or working remotely.
  • Evidence of Tax Payment.
  • evidence of entry into the nation.
  • Minimum Income Requirement: Three times the gross monthly average pay in Romania must be earned on average. This is constantly shifting. Various sources state that you have to have made between €3,300 and €3,700 within the previous six months.

How to Apply for Romania Digital Nomad Visa?

The Romanian visa application procedure for digital nomads is incredibly simple. If you meet all the prerequisites, the process proceeds without a hitch.

  • Create an online account on the Romanian eVisa Platform.
  • Prepare the required documents: Gather all the required documents listed here
  • Apply for the visa: Make sure you pick the appropriate kind of visa. You should choose (a Long Stay Visa for Other Purposes – D/AS) in this situation.
  • Wait for a response. Your application will be approved in about two weeks.

More Info


The Romania Digital Nomad Visa offers an attractive option for individuals seeking to work remotely from Romania. With its low-income criteria, tax-free income, affordable cost of living, and straightforward application process, it has become a popular choice among digital nomads. This article outlines the visa’s details, requirements, and application process, providing valuable information for those interested in taking advantage of this opportunity.

  1. What is the Romania Digital Nomad Visa?

    The Romania Digital Nomad Visa, officially known as the Long Stay Visa for Other Purposes – D/AS, allows digital nomads to live and work remotely in Romania for up to one year, with the possibility of renewal.

  2. What are the benefits of the Romania Digital Nomad Visa?

    The visa offers benefits such as tax-free income, a low cost of living, an easy visa application process, and the opportunity to visit other Schengen countries without requiring an additional visa.

  3. Who is eligible for a digital nomad visa in Romania?

    To be eligible for this visa, you must: be a non-EU/EEA citizen. Your employment must be with a registered company located outside Romania. You should be able to perform all your work duties remotely.

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