Ellison Undergraduate Scholars

Ellison Undergraduate Scholars Program in UK – Fully Funded

People from other countries who want to study at the University of Oxford can apply for the Ellison Undergraduate Scholars Program 2025. It is the Ellison Institute of Technology (EIT) that gives the grant. Students who are really good at school and really want to use technology to solve problems around the world are encouraged to apply for this grant. About 20 scholarships to study at the University of Oxford are given by the Ellison Institute of Technology to students from all over the world. Students can go for both undergraduate and graduate degrees.

EIT wants to use technology to solve the hardest and most persistent problems facing people today. The Ellison student scholars will work on Projects all year long while they are also studying. Four main areas stand out: health and medical science, food security and sustainable farming, climate change and clean energy, and new ideas in government and the age of AI. The Ellisoon Scholars Program will speed up the Scholars’ paths to becoming future leaders and world leaders in technology.

Details About Ellison Undergraduate Scholars Program

  • Host Country: UK
  • University Name: Oxford University
  • Scholarship by: Ellison Institute of Technology (EIT)
  • Scholarship Begins: October 2025
  • Degree Level: Undergraduate

For the Undergraduate Degree programs, the registration call is now open. In August 2024, you will be able to apply for the Graduate grant.

The Ellison Institute of Technology offers projects related to almost all the major fields, which include computer science, mathematics and statistics, artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning, chemistry and chemical engineering, plant sciences, biology and molecular biology, physics / nuclear physics, engineering, medicine, and microbiology.

Scholarship Benefits

Coverage of All Course Fees: The scholar doesn’t have to pay for any of their tuition or course fees at the University of Oxford because of the grant.

Generous Stipend: The scholarship gives a large salary that pays for many things, such as:

  • Travel Expenses: Covers the costs associated with travel to and from the university.
  • Programming Expenses: Costs for school supplies, software, and any programming or coding tools needed for studies are included.
  • Accommodation: includes the cost of a place to live while you are in school.
  • Living Expenses: Pays for things like food, utilities, and other basic needs that you need every day.

Paid Internships: Provides paid internships that can help people get work experience in fields related to their academic hobbies or fields they are studying.

Who can apply for the Ellison Undergraduate Scholarship

  • The grant is open to people from any country.
  • People who want to apply must meet the language requirements for Oxford University.
  • Have finished on a track to finish secondary school and get a diploma.
  • Meet the standards to get into Oxford University.

Read Also: Rhodes Scholarships At Oxford University In UK – Fully Funded

Selection Criteria

  • Advanced skills in using technology.
  • A history of coming up with new ways to solve problems.
  • Very good skills in an area that is related to one of EIT’s projects or endeavors that help people.

Required Documents

  • CV
  • Valid Passport.
  • High School degree/diploma.
  • English Language Certificate.
  • Any other relevant documents, if needed.

How to Apply?

The entry process takes place online. Ellison Scholars for college students will be chosen by April 2025, and they will begin studying at Oxford in October 2025. The link to the main page is shown below.

More Info


The Ellison Undergraduate Scholars Program 2025 at Oxford University, which is sponsored by the Ellison Institute of Technology (EIT), gives students from all over the world a great chance to get their first degrees in technology-related areas. This scholarship is meant to help students become future leaders in technology and problem-solving by giving them full financial aid and jobs that can help them move up in their careers. You can apply online for a chance to be a part of this life-changing learning experience at one of the best colleges in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can apply for the Ellison Undergraduate Scholarship?

    Anyone from any country can apply for the grant as long as they meet Oxford University’s language requirements, have finished or are on track to finish secondary school and meet the school’s other requirements for admission. Applicants should show that they are good with advanced technology and have solved problems in related areas in the past.

  • What is the Ellison Undergraduate Scholars Program 2025?

    The Ellison Institute of Technology (EIT) sponsors the Ellison Undergraduate Scholars Program 2025, which gives grants to undergraduate students from around the world to study at the University of Oxford. There is a lot of focus on technology-based answers in areas like AI, health sciences, sustainable farming, and climate change.

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