King Saud University Scholarships

King Saud University Scholarships in Saudi Arabia

News just in. The website for applying for external scholarships for international students is now open. Fill out an application for the King Saud University Scholarships 2024 in Saudi Arabia. International students can apply to King Saud University online until September 18, 2024. The deadline for applications is September 18, 2024. It’s open to both male and female foreign students. Start your applications right away, read the rules for getting in, and get the papers you need ready for the online King Saud University Scholarship application.

Details About King Saud University Scholarships 2024 in Saudi Arabia

  • Host Country: Saudi Arabia
  • Level: Diploma, Bachelors, Masters, Postgraduate
  • University Name: King Saud University
  • Benefits: External Scholarships

About King Saud University

King Saud is a well-known university in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The Kingdom’s first full university was set up by King Saud bin Abdul Aziz to meet the need for skilled workers in the country.

Shanghai 2024 named KSU University as the best university in Saudi Arabia and the 90th best university in the world.

Who can Apply for the External Scholarships at King Saud University?

King Saud University integrates international students into three levels of study:

  • First Level: Diploma and Higher Diploma
  • Second Level: Bachelor’s Degree
  • Third Level: Postgraduate Studies

King Saud University Scholarship Requirements

Here are the conditions for getting one of the External scholarships for international students:

  • Academic requirements: applicants must have at least a “very good” grade point average in high school or a similar degree.
  • For this job, you need to be between the ages of 17 and 25.
  • Those who want to study in Saudi Arabia may need to get permission from the government of their home country.
  • All certificates and papers must be signed off on by the university’s official officials.
  • Show proof of your good character.
  • Must be in good health.

Read Also: Prince Sultan University Undergraduate Scholarships in Saudi Arabia

Application Process

People who want to apply must download the Personal Information Form, fill it out, and then upload it when they register online. The online registration portal for the King Saud University Scholarship is open until September 18, 2024, for scholarships from outside the university.

  • Go to to open the KSU website.
  • The website is translated into English for you instantly.
  • Read the rules and conditions.
  • To fill out an online application, click on “New Registration.”
  • Make sure to include a form for personal information when you sign up.
  • Please email the university at scholarship.dar@KSU.EDU.SA if you need any help.
  • When you email, please include the following information.
    • Full name
    • Passport number
    • Mobile number
    • A detailed description of the problem

More Info


International students who want to study in Saudi Arabia have a great chance with the King Saud University Scholarships 2024. These grants help with a wide range of academic goals, from high school diplomas to graduate school. To take advantage of this chance, make sure you finish your application by September 18, 2024. Visit the King Saud University website or call the grant office directly for more information or help. Start your application right away and take the first step toward a better academic future at one of the best colleges in Saudi Arabia!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the King Saud University Scholarships

    International students can get money from the King Saud University Scholarships 2024 to go to King Saud University in Saudi Arabia and get a diploma, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or advanced degree.

  • Who is eligible to apply?

    Anyone from 17 to 25 years old who is an international student and has at least a “very good” GPA from their earlier studies can apply. People who want to apply must also be healthy and have all the rights they need from their home country and the government.

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