How to Get Job in Canada as Nigerian Student

How to Get Job in Canada as Nigerian Student – Visit Here

Undoubtedly, there are numerous advantages and benefits to operating in Canada. Additionally, earning Canadian dollars will assist in covering your living expenses. However, obtaining employment in Canada as a Nigerian student can be difficult if you do not know the proper procedures. However, it is not entirely unattainable.

A significant advantage of being employed as a Nigerian student in Canada is the ability to maintain a steady stream of income. For Nigerian students eager to work in Canada, there are many distinctive, well-compensated positions available. Students who wish to pursue employment in Canada may also find the working conditions to be favorable.

Being a Nigerian learner and obtaining employment in Canada will afford you a multitude of advantages. Therefore, as a Nigerian student, this article will instruct you on how to obtain a respectable position in Canada.

How to Get Job in Canada as Nigerian Student:

1. Create a Personalized Resume/CV

One strategy for securing employment in Canada is to develop an individualized curriculum vitae. Having a resume that is meticulously crafted to align with the job’s qualifications and requirements is, nonetheless, of the utmost importance.

When faced with the absence of professional experience, one should contemplate incorporating academic proficiencies acquired in the field of education. Or any work you have performed as a volunteer entrepreneur and the abilities you employed to attain success.

Your resume represents you; therefore, it must be well-organized. Frequently, applicant tracking systems (ATS) are utilized by the majority of businesses to reduce the pool of applicants. Consequently, investigate the prerequisites and competencies necessary for the position.

2. Check Your Eligibility

When seeking employment in Canada as a student from Nigeria, it is critical to verify your eligibility. Consult a consultant regarding your eligibility as a result. Furthermore, evidence that you intend to depart Canada once your work permit expires is required in addition to meeting the language requirement (English or French).

Additionally, you may be required to provide financial documentation, undergo a health examination, affirm your excellent health, and maintain an impeccable criminal record.

3. Search for Jobs

As a Nigerian student seeking employment in Canada, you are required to conduct job searches online. That is to say, you must conduct additional research on legitimate employment opportunities to locate a suitable one.

Additionally, offline job hunting can be accomplished by visiting local stores and online job boards. Additionally, you may inquire with businesses, including cafes, restaurants, and retail establishments, whether they are recruiting. Consult the job board or library of your institution if you are interested in securing employment on campus; these locations frequently update the roster of available positions or offer useful resources that can facilitate your job search.

Additionally, there are numerous online job search platforms in Canada. It is possible to personalize job notifications on the majority of online platforms to receive updates regarding newly posted positions. Notable employment platforms include the following:

4. Consider Volunteering

Volunteering is one of the best methods for a student in the country to gain work experience. In Canada, numerous nonprofit organizations frequently seek volunteers.

Although volunteering typically does not require a work permit, there are always exceptions. A volunteer position may face competition from a job proposition made by an individual seeking employment. You must conduct research and consult the IRCC to ensure that you are adhering to the proper working principles.

There may also be volunteer opportunities available on campus for organizations that address community concerns such as homelessness and food insecurity. Frequently available are these positions for students with a passion for assisting others.

One notable benefit of engaging in volunteer work is the opportunity it provides to supplement one’s resume with a tangible asset. Plus, you will have improved access to good jobs in the long haul.

5. Networking

Effective networking is crucial for Nigerian students as it enables them to establish valuable connections and access exceptional networking prospects via extracurricular activities, professors, student services, diverse events and associations, cultural engagements, political participation, media participation, and sports participation.

Working with your professors and peers can provide you with valuable professional connections and opportunities. If positions are available, networking throughout the campus can also help you obtain employment. Additionally, you can be notified by your networks regarding any available positions.

6. Check the Condition of your Permit

You, as a Nigerian student seeking employment in Canada, are required to review the terms of your work permit. The classification of your permit will dictate whether or not you are permitted to labor in the country.

Additionally, if you are eligible, understanding the conditions of your study permit will assist you in deciding whether to accept employment on or off campus.

Your work permit may, under certain conditions, permit you to work while attending school or after you graduate. Therefore, verify your permit’s conditions before applying for employment.

7. Open a Canadian Bank Account

The establishment of a Canadian bank account holds significant importance for a Nigerian learner aspiring to secure employment in Canada. Employers will request this information during the hiring process.

Because the majority of employers utilize e-checks or automated deposits, an active bank account is required. However, some financial institutions provide student-only accounts with reduced interest rates and fees.

A bank account can also assist students in saving money and establishing credit, which is particularly beneficial if they intend to apply for a postgraduate work permit (PGWP) and extend their stay in the country.

8. Focus On Your Education

If you intend to work while studying in the country, you must prioritize your education, as it is equally necessary to concentrate on your studies while searching for employment. After obtaining employment, you must maintain concentration on your academic coursework and courses, avoiding any diversion caused by your work schedule. However, the work-study situation in Canada is acceptable.

Maintaining good academic standing is the primary requirement for the study permit; therefore, you should give it due consideration in all of your future undertakings. The study permit additionally permits students to labor a maximum of 20 hours per week. However, your employer might be able to comprehend that as students’ academic responsibilities grow, adjustments to their schedules become necessary, particularly if you and they have discussed this matter before the commencement of the employment agreement.

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9. Accredited Qualification

To secure employment in Canada as a Nigerian learner, you are required to possess an accredited certificate. Several professional positions in Canada necessitate the possession of a degree from an accredited academic institution.

It is essential to determine whether or not the position for which you are applying requires certification of your qualifications. To ascertain the acceptability of your qualification, one may utilize websites that conduct World Education Assessments (WES).

You must also provide evidence that your academic credentials are legitimate and up to par with Canadian standards, particularly if you are seeking employment in postsecondary education, as a Nigerian student.

10. Follow Up On Your Application

It is essential to conduct follow-up work on job applications. One should consider sending a follow-up email, particularly if the organization has provided feedback. You must demonstrate that your interest in this position remains intact.

Constantly express gratitude and be extremely courteous; doing so could facilitate your progress. Furthermore, affirm via email whether you are physically or virtually available to attend the interview request by contacting the companies.

11. Live in Canada 

It is possible to work, study, and reside in Canada with a student visa. Nevertheless, if you are located in Nigeria and are unsuccessful in securing employment in Canada, you may wish to contemplate the student route. This is among the most dependable and optimal choices for the majority of Nigerians. Furthermore, individuals facing financial constraints may readily apply for a student loan to pursue their academic endeavors in Canada. Obtaining employment will allow you to repay the loan.

12. Apply For a Social Insurance Number

International or Canadian pupils who wish to obtain employment must apply for a social insurance number (SIN). The process of obtaining a social insurance number via Employment and Social Development Canada is available online.

Upon providing your email address during the social insurance number application procedure, you will be promptly notified via email that your application is being processed. It takes two weeks from the date of your social insurance number application until you receive the official letter containing your number. But while you are awaiting your social security number, you should continue to submit resumes and job applications.

Benefits of Job in Canada as Nigerian Student:

  • Quality Education: Canada’s internationally acclaimed education system attracts a significant number of Nigerian students who wish to pursue their studies there. Nigerian students have the opportunity to augment their academic repertoire with hands-on work experience in Canada, thereby augmenting their holistic education and repertoire of abilities.
  • Work Experience: Gaining work experience in Canada provides Nigerian students with the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge in a global context. This experience has the potential to significantly enhance future career prospects, both domestically and internationally.
  • Opportunities for Professional Networking: Working in Canada affords Nigerian students the chance to establish connections with industry experts. Establishing these connections can facilitate career progression and future employment prospects.
  • Cultural Exchange: By working in Canada, Nigerian students are afforded a singular opportunity to expand their horizons and develop a more profound comprehension of diverse cultures and points of view through exposure to Canadian society and culture.
  • Language Skills: The English language proficiency of Nigerian pupils whose native tongue is not English may be enhanced through employment in Canada. Those who are pursuing careers in fields that necessitate English proficiency should prioritize this aspect.
  • Financial Autonomy: Nigerian students can attain this status by working in Canada, thereby generating income that can be utilized to offset living expenses, tuition fees, and other expenditures linked to studying abroad. Achieving financial independence can foster a sense of autonomy and diminish dependence on external financial assistance.
  • Opportunities Following Graduation: Canada provides international students with a range of avenues through which they can obtain work permits or permanent residency. Nigerian students who acquire work experience in Canada while pursuing their education may increase their prospects of becoming eligible for these programs and establishing a prosperous professional career within the nation.
  • Quality of Life: Canada maintains a consistently high ranking in global quality of life indices, owing to its provision of a secure, stable, and multicultural milieu. Nigerian students who choose to work in Canada are granted access to social services, education, and healthcare of the highest caliber, thereby enhancing their overall quality of life.
  • Diverse and Inclusive Citizenship: Canada is renowned for its inclusive and diverse society, which welcomes individuals of all cultures and backgrounds. Nigerian students who are employed in Canada have the opportunity to directly witness the advantages of residing in a multicultural society while also making valuable contributions to its dynamic tapestry of cultures.


As a Nigerian learner, employment in Canada will present you with numerous opportunities. However, you must adhere to the job posting requirements and maintain a consistent work ethic. This article has therefore provided a guide and advice on how a Nigerian student can obtain employment in Canada. We sincerely hope that it functions as a useful guide for you.

  1. Is it possible to get a job in Canada from Nigeria?

    Foreign nationals of Nigeria can also seek employment in Canada by obtaining a work permit. Work permits in Canada are handled through the International Mobility Program (IMP) and the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP).

  2. Is Canada issuing student visas to Nigerians now?

    You may submit an application for one of the two kinds of student visas to Canada from Nigeria. They consist of A valid visitor visa, additionally referred to as a temporary resident visa, which is required for courses of study that are not more than six months in duration. The Student visa is meant for individuals whose studies are more than six months in duration.

  3. Is it easy to get a job in Canada as a student?

    Part-time job possibilities for international students in Canada are indeed abundant. Part-time job possibilities are plentiful, both on and off campus.

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