Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa

Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa – Step by Step Guide

The Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa is a great chance for freelancers, people who work from home, and company employees who don’t have to be in the office all the time. Digital Nomads are people who can use technology like laptops and smartphones to work from anywhere in the world. This post will explain how to get a Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa, what you need to do to get one, how much it costs, and how long you can stay. The Digital Nomad program is run by the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) in Malaysia.

The DE Rantau program in Malaysia is open to digital workers from all over the world. Malaysia is a very cheap place to live. While you’re not working, use your free time to visit Langkawi, the Genting Highlands, and the Cameron Highlands. In Malaysia, you don’t have to pay taxes on the money you make from your work as a Digital Nomad. You do have to pay income tax, though, if you work for a company or clients in Malaysia. These are the more specifics.

Details About Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa

  • Visa Cost: MYR1,000.00
  • Visa Duration: From 3 Months to 24 Months
  • Type of Pass: Professional Visit Pass

What is DE Rantau Nomad Pass

People who work and live as digital nomads can work and visit Malaysia with the DE Rantau Nomad Pass.

Type of Digital Nomad

  • Digital Freelancer
  • Independent Contractor
  • Remote Worker (working as an employee for the company from home).

Profession Domains

You have one of the following professions:

IT (all types – software dev, UX, UI, cloud, cybersecurity, blockchain, AI, machine learning, data-related, etc.), digital marketing, digital creative content, digital content development (All digital domain-related work).

Income Requirements

If you make at least $24,000 a year, you can join the Malaysia Digital Nomad program.

Mandatory Documents

Digital contractors and freelancers are not tied to any one company or place. These are the required documents:

  • Passport all pages
  • Latest CV
  • Bank statement from the last three months.
  • Latest income statement for three months.
  • A legal proof of work or agreement.
  • Personal bond (to fill out the form that’s been given).
  • Letter of good behavior from a government agency in the person’s home country or country of residence.
  • The highest level of study.
  • Certificate of enrollment in health insurance. The medical insurance can be sent in either after the application has been accepted OR before the pass sticker is issued, as long as it is valid for at least three months.Tax filing slip from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia.

Please check with your tax lawyer or see if there is a treaty between Malaysia and your country that lets you avoid paying double tax on income.

You can also email the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation at and ask them about the tax rules, which depend on how much money you make and how long you stay in Malaysia.

Requirements of a Digital Nomad Visa

  • Prove that you can work as a digital nomad.
  • All of the paperwork, pay stubs, and proof of making.
  • For foreigners, a $24,000-a-year income.

How to Apply 

More Info


The Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa is a great way for digital nomads, freelancers, and people who work from home to live and work in Malaysia. With a Professional Visit Pass, this program, which is run by the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), lets people stay for up to 24 months. It costs MYR1,000.00 to get a visa, and you need to show proof of income, fill out certain forms, and be sure you understand your tax responsibilities. Find out more about the DE Rantau Nomad Pass and what it can do for you to start your journey as a digital nomad in Malaysia.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the cost and duration of the Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa?

    The visa costs MYR1,000 and lets you stay for three to twenty-four months.

  2. Who is eligible for the DE Rantau Nomad Pass?

    Digital freelancers, independent contractors, and people who work from home in fields like IT, digital marketing, and digital content creation are all welcome to apply.

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