Malta Government Endeavour Scholarship

Malta Government Endeavour Scholarship 2024 – Apply Now

Are you ready to go to Malta for school? Malta is a small country in the EU. Today I am going to talk about the Malta Government Endeavour Scholarship, which is also called the Endeavour II Scholarship Scheme. The grant helps young people and adults get the money they need to go to graduate school for master’s and doctoral degrees. You will find out what kinds of jobs people want in Malta. The goal of the Endeavour grant is to help people improve their skills, which will help Malta’s economy grow.

The winners of this grant will not have to pay tuition fees and will have the chance to study at some of Malta’s best colleges. European Union money pays for the plan. The government of Malta is sure that postgraduate education is an important part of the economic and social plans of every country. Here are some more specifics about the scholarship standards and who is eligible.

About Malta Government Endeavour II Scholarship

  • Host Country: Malta
  • Degree Level: Masters, PhD

Eligibility Criteria

  • Young people and adults who want to study at MQF Level 7 or Level 8 can apply for the grant.
  • MFQ Stands for the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF)
    • MQF Level 7= Master Studies
    • MQF Level 8= PhD Studies
  • Do not have the same amount of education.
  • Those who want to apply should start school between May 15, 2024, and April 30, 2025.

Keep in mind that you can only apply for the PhD if you already have a Master’s degree. You cannot apply for another Master’s degree or a lower-level advanced certificate or diploma.

People who are already in a PhD program or are in the same level of PhD program cannot apply for this grant.

How You Can Apply for the Malta Endeavour Scholarship?

Read the ad on the main website as a first step. Get the papers you need ready. To apply, you must do so online through this link. Send in the whole application before the due date. The link to the main page is shown below.

More Info


Check out the Malta Government Endeavour Scholarship. It can help you get a master’s or research degree in Malta. People who are qualified can apply for this fully paid scholarship to improve their skills and help Malta’s economy grow.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is eligible to apply for the Malta Endeavour Scholarship?

    Adults and teens who want to start master’s (MQF Level 7) or doctoral (MQF Level 8) studies between May 15, 2024, and April 30, 2025 can apply. People who want to get a PhD must already have a master’s degree and cannot be involved in a PhD program at the same level.

  2. How can I apply for the Malta Endeavour Scholarship?

    To apply, go to the website, read through the requirements, get the documents you need, and then send your application online by the due date. On the main website, you can find the link to the application and full directions.

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