Tips to Quit Your Job in Nigeria

Tips to Quit Your Job in Nigeria – Visit Here

It is not difficult to conclude that the vegetation on the opposite side is greener. As a result, numerous individuals have hastily resigned from their positions only to later decide it was a grave error.

It is common knowledge among chess masters that a move’s logical nature does not necessarily imply its correctness. The purpose is to demonstrate how to organize yourself to quit your employment. Before quitting your employment, we will assist you in defining your intentions, current reality, available options, and resources to investigate.

If wishes were horses, the blind individual himself would certainly be able to navigate the town. A critical life choice, such as relocating to a different occupation, should never be precipitated by an idle intuition. You must verify your facts accurately.

We strongly discourage you from contributing to the escalating unemployment rate.  Above all, we do not want you to become a member of a group of individuals who are neither content nor content with their employment. We have compiled the following six guidelines on how to prepare to quit your job to assist you in determining whether or not you should switch jobs and, if so, in the proper way to do so.

6 Tips to Quit Your Job in Nigeria:

Tips to Quit Your Job in Nigeria are as follows:

Tip 1: Undertake a Critical Self-Awareness Assessment

Many individuals, in our experience, leave their ideal jobs under the false impression that their employer is the source of their problems. An example would be a middle-aged woman who resigned from her job three (3) months after enduring a difficult divorce. She believed that her occupation was the cause of her divorce and was depriving her of joy. She did not find this to be the case, although it may be for others.

Consider requesting a vacation if you are experiencing an overabundance of work-related stress. Delight in a weekend escape for the sole purpose of clearing your mind and gaining a clearer perspective. Under stress, black can appear azure. You, like every other employee, strive ceaselessly to surpass expectations and meet goals. You might discover that necessary recuperation rather than a job change was the case after taking some time off.

If you feel as though you have a great deal repressed, you may want to consider therapy. One may consider exploring online options to obtain essential clarity. If, following this procedure, your thoughts remain unaltered, it may become self-evident that you require a career change.

Tip 2: Make a List of Your Expectations

Over the next 30 to 35 years, you will be putting in an average of eight hours of work per day, five to six days per week; it would be regrettable if you were to be placed in an unappealing environment.

Before resigning from your position, set aside some time to reflect. Reflect on the aspects of your current job that you found unfavorable and outline the attributes that you desire to see altered in your subsequent position. Do you have a specific salary in mind? Are you in search of an organization whose management is transparent? Do you have any specific expectations regarding employee welfare and healthcare? Be certain to specify every one of your expectations.

One example of a specific expectation regarding one’s compensation is as follows:

I am seeking a mid-level position with a monthly salary between =N=250,000 and =N=350,000.


I am looking for a well-paying position.

Check Also: Tips to Follow-Up Job Application – Fully Explained

Tip 3: Write a List of Companies You would like to Work For

Compile a list of companies that satisfy the criteria outlined in your expectations. For inspiration, consult our compilation of the 100 most desirable companies in Nigeria for business engagements.

Once you have compiled a desired list of the organizations you aspire to work for, proceed to conduct a LinkedIn search for those organizations. Go to the “People” option to view individuals who are affiliated with or employed by the organization. Specifically target the Human Resource personnel with your connection request.

Once you are connected, here’s what you’ll do;

  • Establish rapport with at least two of them. Introduce yourself, specify your connection source, and express your desire to become acquainted on LinkedIn. Maintain an approach that is both candid and professional, and when questioned, ensure that your responses are genuine.
  • One may inquire about professional matters with them, such as the nature of their work, the qualifications required for the position, any vacancies or ongoing recruitment, and so forth. Your inquiries will receive favorable responses if you are sufficiently professional and refrain from going too far. However, be cautious about going too far.
  • Lastly, consider the content of their posts. The information they divulge or share on their social media platforms will provide valuable insights into the operational procedures of the organization. You will also be educated on the level of professionalism that is expected of their personnel. This will aid in your physical and mental preparation.

Tip 4: Review/Rewrite Your CV

The following “how to prepare to quit your job” recommendation is self-evident and anticipated. Revise and rewrite your curriculum vitae in anticipation of your next endeavor.

Before proceeding, you must ascertain which CV format is appropriate. When transferring industries, the CV format differs from when remaining in the same industry. More information about it can be found here. You may also employ Nigeria to revise and analyze your curriculum vitae. Our expert CV writers will provide you with a curriculum vitae that will facilitate your professional growth.

Tip 5: Search for Jobs in the Right Places

Do not allow your haste to find a new job to lead you astray. Con artists prosper by capitalizing on the avarice and desperation of their victims. Before you proceed with your audacious move, avoid adding financial loss to your cart.

Be wary of the proliferation of fraudulent recruiters. Extensive financial losses and previous employment have been incurred by numerous individuals as a result of these thugs’ activities. Similar to any other sector, the employment board industry is not immune to fraudulent activities.

At Nigeria, our service offerings are built upon the principles of integrity and honesty. Our team of youthful, devoted professionals is available around the clock to offer you the highest quality assistance possible. The employment opportunities featured on our website are entry-level and mid-level positions that have undergone rigorous evaluation processes.

Tip 6: Define your next start before quitting

Your intentions are commendable; while you may be correct, we urge you to define your next course of action with great precision. Before resigning, establish the values you wish to receive from the organization for which you are employed. The anguish and disillusionment associated with unemployment could potentially surpass the intensity of your present emotions.

Even if the intended transition is to your ideal employer, it is advisable to exercise restraint and not resign from your present position until you receive an offer from your fantasy company.

Do you know the Nigerian expression “storyliness that evokes emotion”? That is to say, our objective is to assist you in preventing that. Ensure that you are not going ahead of yourself; the moment a company makes an offer is not the same as the moment they intend to do so.

To land your dream employment, submit an outstanding resume and be well-prepared for the interview, whether it be via telephone or another appropriate medium. With these services, our professional services can be of assistance to you. and it is not necessary to spend a fortune.

Terminate your supervisory position with caution, particularly if you have aspirations to secure alternative employment. The act of changing employment is a significant choice; by considering the six suggestions presented in this article, you can enhance your preparedness and avoid committing an erroneous action. We would be delighted to provide you with our expert services. Best wishes for your continued success!


Leaving one’s employment is a momentous choice that necessitates careful deliberation and implementation. In Nigeria, similar to other nations, it is expected that an individual departs from employment with professionalism and due regard for the interests of the organization and oneself.

  1. How do I resign from a job in Nigeria?

    The content could be made up of a straightforward sentence declaring one’s intention of walking away from their employment on a specific date. In addition, the document would include a concluding section that includes the employee’s name, employment details (which includes staff number, department, and designation), and an appreciation statement. It would be properly signed.

  2. Can I resign with immediate effect in Nigeria?

    In Onitiri (1960) SCNLR 177, the courts drew a similar conclusion that the employee maintains the right to leave immediately regardless of the defect in the letter of resignation. A worker whose resignation takes effect instantly loses all employee benefits, with the possible exception of any accumulated salary.

  3. How do I write a letter of resignation in Nigeria?

    The letter may be officially accepted as notification of my intention to step down from my current position or any other position with (Company) as mentioned in the letter. The intended date of cessation of employment. For instance, “[Date] will be my last date… Always show gratitude to your employer for the chance that was granted to you.

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